Barbaric horde

Much has been said about the threat posed by the Internet of Things (IoT). Considered the “barbaric horde” of under-protected connected devices, all of them are just waiting to be compromised by any half-competent hacker.
While we haven’t yet had the chance to intercept any refrigerator-mounted malware, over the years we‘ve seen our share of IoT botnets, with CCTV ones being among the most common. We first warned about them in March 2014, when we became aware of a steep 240 percent increase in botnet activity on our network, much of it traced back to compromised CCTV cameras.


Further investigation of the offending IPs showed that they belonged to CCTV cameras, all accessible via their default login credentials. And that’s not all. Looking through the camera lens we also spotted a familiar sight—a storefront in a mall located not five minutes away from our offices!


Capisco di essere particolarmente invasato in fatto di sicurezza informatica, non dico di mettere il frigorifero sotto firewall, ma lasciare le credenziali di default su delle telecamere IP con BusyBox installato…. non si può sentire.