Lo standby costa…

Today, the world’s 14 billion online electronic devices – such as set-top boxes, modems, printers and game consoles – waste around USD 80 billion each year because of inefficient technology. By 2020, the problem will considerably worsen, with an estimated USD 120 billion wasted. But a report by the International Energy Agency points to a different path, identifying simple measures that can be implemented now to improve energy efficiency in networked devices, resulting in massive savings of energy and money. […] “The problem is not that these devices are often in standby mode, but rather that they typically use much more power than they should to maintain a connection and communicate with the network,” said Ms. Van der Hoeven. “Just by using today’s best available technology, such devices could perform exactly the same tasks in standby while consuming around 65% less power.” Fonte: http://www.iea.org/newsroomandevents/pressreleases/2014/july/name-108223-en.html

Felice di saperlo visto che sto particolarmente attento al consumo in standby e ad attivare l’opzione EuP quando possibile…